INC NEWS - Pre Disaster Plan for evacuation from home

David Harris harrisdl2003 at
Wed Feb 28 10:33:31 EST 2007

These are the weblinks I mentioned last night:
Betty S. Moore, CFI
EM Coordinator / CERT Program Manager
Durham County Fire Marshal's Office
bmoore at

DISASTER SUITCASE - (to take with you if you are evacuated from your residence) All items should be stored in a plastic bag and then placed in the container/suitcase you will be using. This should be a container/suitcase that can be stored on a shelf or in an accessible area of your closet.
Important documents such as identification, social security card, insurance policies, birth certificates, wills, addresses and phone numbers of relatives, pharmacies and physicians. All documents should be placed in a waterproof plastic bag to protect them.
Cash - ATM, credit cards and checks may not be accepted or usable.
First aid kit including aspirin or non-aspirin substitute, antacid, laxative or diarrhea medication, cough/cold/allergy medication.
Prescription medications including a list of the physicians and pharmacies. A small cooler for ice if any of your medications require refrigeration. (check with your pharmacist to find out how long each medication can be stored and replace as necessary)
Personal hygiene items - toothbrush and toothpaste, denture products, toilet paper, tissue, paper towels, soap, wash cloth and hand towel, sun block, insect repellent, wet wipes, deodorant.
Extra glasses, hearing aid batteries, canes, walkers, wheelchairs and other medical equipment with back-up power supplies
Flashlight and extra batteries (check batteries every 6 months and replace as necessary)
Small battery operated radio with extra batteries (check batteries every 6 months and replace as necessary) ¨Large and small trash bags with ties
Appropriate protective clothing - rain coat, boots, hat, gloves, Two (2) complete changes of clothing appropriate to the season (change, add or remove clothing as needed in the spring and in the fall). Extra set of keys, Comfort foods - cookies, hard candy, instant coffee, tea bags etc. (check items every six months and replace as necessary)
Bedding - pillow, blanket, sheets, etc.
David Harris
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