INC NEWS - Please send short email supporting Land For Tomorrow (before April 25)

John Schelp bwatu at
Fri Apr 20 10:13:49 EDT 2007


Please send a brief, positive email to the Durham
Delegation asking them to support the Land & Water
Conservation Bond Act of 2007 when it comes to the
floor. Email addresses are below.

Supporters are visiting with legislators on April 25,
so it would be good to send your email before then.

Suggested message (choose one or two)...

*  There are 3,300 miles of rivers and streams in
North Carolina that do not meet water quality

*  North Carolina just took over New Jersey as the
10th most populated state;

*  North Carolina is the leading state for loss of
prime farmland, tied with Texas and Ohio;

*  We lost 100,000 acres a year to development;

*  Land prices are skyrocketing every day.

You can insert these emails into your "TO" box:
boba at, fmckissick at, larryh at,
paull at, mickeym at, winkiew at,
bwatu at

Below is more background.

many, many thanks, 

John Schelp
Friends of South Ellerbe Creek


We have a narrow window of opportunity to ensure clean
drinking water and abundant farms, forests, parks,
wildlife areas, and historic places for all North
Luckily, there is a movement afoot to do something
about this: the Land & Water Conservation Bond Act of
2007, which asks for $1 billion over 5 years for land
and water conservation. 
The time is now to act.
Durham has benefited in the past from grants provided
by the conservation trust funds, which are the
entities that will receive the additional $1 billion
over 5 years. 

To find out exactly how Durham has benefited, visit
Durham's page on Land for Tomorrow's website:
Durham's delegation in the state's General Assembly
need to know how you feel about this. Even those who
are already supportive need to hear from you about why
you care, why it matters, and why they should make
this issue a priority this session.  

They all have varying understanding of the issue, so
be specific in what you ask for: support Senate Bill
1522 and House Bill 990, the Land & Water Conservation
Bond Act of 2007. 
Here is a list of your legislators with their email
addresses. Please use/modify the talking points above.
Legislators in Durham:

Bob Atwater: boba at
Floyd McKissick: fmckissick at
Larry Hall: larryh at
Paul Luebke: paull at
Mickey Michaux: mickeym at
Winkie Wilkins: winkiew at


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