INC NEWS - Parkwood Fire Station, take 2

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at
Mon Apr 30 22:09:55 EDT 2007

I just want to tell you all that the Parkwood
Firestation situation was presented to me in a
different way, as follows:

The City contracts for the services provided by a
volunteer fire department. So technically the City is
not renewing the contract with PVFD, not discontinuing
funding as I mentioned in paragraphs 3 and 9 of my
previous email to the INC listserv.

I just want to ensure that all the information is put
out there as accurately as possible.

At any rate, it appears that council is going to hear
from the Parkwood chief and the department on this

I still think that it is hard to rationalize not using
Parkwood Fire Department for the neighborhood of
Parkwood, in which it is located.

Can I make a motion that this be an issue for
discussion at the next INC meeting? 

Thanks again :)

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