INC NEWS - Land For Tomorrow: pls send email of support

John Schelp bwatu at
Mon Jun 25 15:47:30 EDT 2007


The General Assembly is at a critical juncture.  Once they find agreement on the budget, it will be time to examine potential bond issues.

Our Durham delegation needs to see continued support from the voters.  

Please send a brief, positive email supporting Land For Tomorrow bond to... winkiew at, Boba at, Paull at, Mickeym at, larrh at

Why support Land For Tomorrow? 

* Clean drinking water 

* Clean air  

* Thriving farms and forests  

* Places to exercise and enjoy the beauty of North Carolina  

* Less damage from flooding  

* Places of historic significance and ecological value  

* Preservation of North Carolina’s natural and cultural heritage  

* Strengthened communities  

* Jobs and a sustainable economy 

Join these partners in protecting critical land, drinking water and historic places...

Please take the critical step of placing the bond issues on the ballot for North Carolina voters to approve this important issue for our state's future.

with appreciation,
John Schelp

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