INC NEWS - Land for Tomorrow: good news

John Schelp bwatu at
Thu Jul 26 12:30:26 EDT 2007

County Leaders and Key Partners - 
House and Senate leadership has been negotiating
through the night, and at 11:00 am today, they are to
announce a budget package which will be voted on over
the next two days.  We understand that it includes
(drum roll please):

*  $100 million in Revenue Bonds for Land for
Tomorrow, to be split down the middle between Natural
Heritage Trust Fund and Parks & Rec Trust Fund. The
source of revenue to pay back the bonds will be those
two trust funds. Revenue Bonds are pretty much the
same thing as COPs except they have a specified source
of revenue to pay them back, and they do not affect
state debt capacity in any way.  They will not require
a vote of the people 
* $20 million for Beach Access. We are uncertain at
the moment what the revenue source for this is -- it
may be from the trust funds like the $100 million
revenue bonds above or may be a separate
appropriation.  This special designation for access is
probably the result of our work and the work of a
study commission that looked at water front access
* The Medicaid swap *includes* a local option for
raising additional revenue, by referendum, through
either a LAND TRANSFER TAX of what we think is .4%, or
a 1/2 cent sales tax increase. 
* $8 million for the Ag Development and Farmland
Preservation Trust Fund (we think). 
How do we thank thee? Let us count the ways...

1. Your commitment to conservation inspired many to
2. Your influence made this happen!
3. You have stuck in it for the long haul, and applied
pressure when needed.
4. Land for Tomorrow was at the top of the legislative
agenda, and it has stayed there!! These issues won't
go away!!
This aint a billion, but as I've said, $100 mil is
nothing to shake a stick at. It shows commitment and
vision, and it will likely mean more in the future.
It's not over, but for now, let's celebrate!
-Marge & Kate
Land for Tomorrow
Thank you, again, for everything you've done. 

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