INC NEWS - Durham, Can You Spare a Change

Ken Gasch Ken at
Wed Jul 25 09:54:55 EDT 2007

The following is a draft document produced by an INC committee that was
tasked to study the issue of panhandling.  A formal presentation will be put
to the delegates as scheduling allows.  However, comments, thoughts and
suggestions are welcomed at this time.

Ken Gasch

[INC Logo]

Durham, Can You Spare A Change?

Campaign Goals
·Create a brochure that articulates our mission statement, embodies our
vision, and lists services and locations of various relief organizations.
·Write a cover letter soliciting insight, assistance and support and send it
with our brochure to organizations throughout Durham.
·Create five- and 15-minute presentations for meetings, conferences,
festival booths, etc.
·Monitor our campaign and solicit feedback from merchants, residents, and
citizens to help us evaluate the success and future changes.
·Train campaign representatives to speak with citizens and panhandlers about
shelters, support, and solutions available.
·Sponsor locked collection boxes throughout Durham to receive donations,
suggestions, and feedback.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to educate ourselves and our community on giving, sharing,
and donating; and to think of alternative ways to support individuals who
ask for money on the street. We encourage citizens to donate their time,
their money, and themselves to local organizations that offer services such
as meals, shelters, job training, rehabilitation, mental health, and health
Vision Statement

Our vision is to create and foster an environment that encourages
communication, compassion, respect, and support for all members of our
community. INC believes we can play an integral part in improving and
enriching lives through community action.

Brochure Copy

Durham, Can You Spare A Change?

The InterNeighborhood Council of Durham (INC) has developed the “Durham, Can
you Spare a Change?” campaign to encourage people to support alternatives to
giving cash directly to panhandlers. Instead, INC suggests redirecting spare
change to agencies in our community that provide food, shelter, and mental
health services to individuals in crisis.

How the campaign was developed

INC interviewed the directors of local homelessness and substance abuse
agencies and they overwhelmingly prefer people to donate time or money to
local organizations that offer services, such as meals, shelter, job
training, rehabilitation, and mental health support, instead of giving money
directly to panhandlers. Many of the service agencies, and the recipients of
their services, are certain that money given to individuals on the street
rarely goes toward the services listed above. Yet, these are the services
most people who share money with panhandlers would like to think they are

Durham’s strategy on panhandling

Panhandling is not illegal, but the City of Durham has ordinances that set
limits on soliciting money. These ordinances strike a balance between public
safety and the freedom of open public spaces in Durham. Aggressive
panhandling, or threatening behavior, is never acceptable. Panhandlers have
the right to ask you for money, but never the right to threaten or harass

Change for the better

There are struggling citizens in our community. We can play an integral part
in improving their lives and enriching our own. We must ensure our
generosity is part of the solution, and not adding to the problem. The
community must take responsibility for how its charitable dollars are used.
Have questions or want to help?

Would you like to learn more about Durham, Can You Spare a Change? or
volunteer your time toward the campaign? Contact the InterNeighborhood
Council at XXXXXXX

About the InterNeighborhood Council

The InterNeighborhood Council is a coalition of Durham’s neighborhood and
homeowner’s associations whose mission is to promote the quality, stability
and vitality of Durham’s residential neighborhoods. By attending to both
headline-making issues and everyday matters, Durham’s INC has been an
effective advocate for neighborhood residents and an influential participant
in making Durham a better place to live.

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