INC NEWS - Property managers

bragin at bragin at
Wed Sep 19 14:32:37 EDT 2007

Hi all - i have just gotten off the phone with Rick Soles, who is the property manager of the house that is directly behind mine.

I hosted a breakfast meeting with Mr. Soles about 6 weeks or so ago, at which we discussed the various problems that have occured at that property in the 6 years i have been living in my house. These problems have on numerous occasions involved calls to 911 for domestic violence and other threatening situations, as well as for many quality of life issues, including dumping of hazardous waste (used motor oil) in the area between the fences on our respective lots.

At that meeting, arranged by Ken Gasch, Mr. Soles assured me he was committed to renting to quality tenants, that any tenant with a dog was in violation of their lease, and that i should call him immediately because he really wanted to work together on this.

Last night the tenant's dog  barked for over an hour after midnight, which resulted in a call to 911 around 1 am. (I want to commend the officer who responded for handling this situation in a professional manner.) I called Mr. Soles as we had previously agreed, to inform him of this. Mr. Soles was no longer certain that the tenant's lease was a no-pet lease, as he had previously assured me. At one point during the conversation he asked me to consider the possibility that the problem was with me, and not with his tenants behavior. (I am considering that. As David Phelps so kindly pointed out to me yesterday, for an enlightened and tolerant guy, i get pissed off pretty easy.)

Mr. Soles also claimed that i am the only member of the community who has ever complained to him about any of the properties he manages. 

And that's what i'm asking the rest of you out there? In private conversations, I know that Rick Soles' name arises regularly regarding problem property managers. But if any of you have had direct experience with him, or have made complaints about any of the properties he manages, please contact me off-list so that i can put together a list of complaints for his enlightenment.

Thanks in advance,
Barry Ragin

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