INC NEWS - Property managers

Ken Gasch Ken at
Wed Sep 19 20:09:50 EDT 2007


Rick Soles chairs the DRAR property managers committee.  Even though I am not a property manager, I became a member of this committee in December of 06.  Other members of the committee include, but are not limited to, Colin Crossman, Kim Griffin Jr., Dick Patton, Jeff Jeffrey, Chris McKeel and Lynn Cherry.  

This committee, under Rick Soles' leadership, has asked private information companies to make presentations to the group about screening services available for purchase.  The theory being that the easiest way to shut down a drug house, in our neighborhoods, is to never let one start.  Many of our city's property managers see the benefits in better screening.  Many of our city's property managers have been screening for years.  Many just begun implementing better screening practices.  In a time when foreclosures are through the roof, the landlords of our city should be seeing less vacancy.  Today, they are seeing more vacancy.  For one, I am grateful for this sacrifice by them and their owners. 

I believe that our disadvantaged neighborhoods are more easily infested by drug dealers than are our advantaged ones.  I think that our property managers and landlords can play a critical role in increasing public safety in our disadvantaged neighborhoods.  I think that as public safety improves, these areas of our city will begin to heal and recover on their own.  I believe this revival can happen mostly with private funds, which are infinite, and not governmental funds, which are finite.  

A property manager cannot discriminate against any of the protected classes.  True, a dog owner is not a protected class, but this is up to the property owner and his agent to decide.  I would prefer a barking dog to a drug dealer.  That said, allowing a dog to bark through the night is unacceptable in my book.  The owner of that dog, not his or her landlord, needs to be charged with a violation of our noise ordinance.  That charge needs to be taken seriously by our judicial system.    

I have got to go.  My wife is in NY.  I have a three year old in the tub and a younger one in my lap.

Keep the faith, my friend.

Ken Gasch

-----Original Message-----
From: pac2 at [mailto:pac2 at]On Behalf Of bragin at
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 2:33 PM
To: inc-list at
Cc: pac2 at
Subject: [pac2] Property managers

  Hi all - i have just gotten off the phone with Rick Soles, who is the property manager of the house that is directly behind mine.

  I hosted a breakfast meeting with Mr. Soles about 6 weeks or so ago, at which we discussed the various problems that have occured at that property in the 6 years i have been living in my house. These problems have on numerous occasions involved calls to 911 for domestic violence and other threatening situations, as well as for many quality of life issues, including dumping of hazardous waste (used motor oil) in the area between the fences on our respective lots.

  At that meeting, arranged by Ken Gasch, Mr. Soles assured me he was committed to renting to quality tenants, that any tenant with a dog was in violation of their lease, and that i should call him immediately because he really wanted to work together on this.

  Last night the tenant's dog barked for over an hour after midnight, which resulted in a call to 911 around 1 am. (I want to commend the officer who responded for handling this situation in a professional manner.) I called Mr. Soles as we had previously agreed, to inform him of this. Mr. Soles was no longer certain that the tenant's lease was a no-pet lease, as he had previously assured me. At one point during the conversation he asked me to consider the possibility that the problem was with me, and not with his tenants behavior. (I am considering that. As David Phelps so kindly pointed out to me yesterday, for an enlightened and tolerant guy, i get pissed off pretty easy.)

  Mr. Soles also claimed that i am the only member of the community who has ever complained to him about any of the properties he manages. 

  And that's what i'm asking the rest of you out there? In private conversations, I know that Rick Soles' name arises regularly regarding problem property managers. But if any of you have had direct experience with him, or have made complaints about any of the properties he manages, please contact me off-list so that i can put together a list of complaints for his enlightenment.

  Thanks in advance,
  Barry Ragin

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