INC NEWS - [pac2] Property managers

Ellen Dagenhart dagnhrt at
Mon Sep 24 14:30:21 EDT 2007

  At 02:16 PM 9/24/2007, Cathie McIntyre wrote:
>Why isn't the Coalition for Fair and Affordable Housing a part of 
>the committee of which Mr. Soles is chair?  It seems to me that they 
>should play a big role.
>Cathie McIntyre
>3209 Alabama Ave


The committee Rick chairs is a committee of the Durham Regional 
Association of Realtors and is limited to active members of the 
Association. Back in the dark ages when I was Association President, 
I know that Lorisa and Rich were involved and I think they still are, 
but I don't know to what degree. Certainly Shelia Willis, EVP of the 
Association knows them and greatly values their input, and sees the 
benefits of partnerships with community organizations.


Ellen M. Dagenhart, ABR, e-Pro, GRI
MailTo:dagnhrt at
Marie Austin Realty, Durham, NC
Office  919-286-5611  FAX  919-286-2252  Cell 919-475-1719


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