INC NEWS - NewhopeforDurham

Mike - Hotmail mwshiflett at
Wed Sep 26 10:42:20 EDT 2007

I am repeatedly amazed by citizens creativity here in Durham in forming a group in response to a problem (another example below).

However,  with this amazement also comes a small feeling of disappointment in the fact that in many cases there already exists or existed an organization, community group, non-profit or neighborhood association that actual has worked on that same issue or is currently working to improve it.

Year after year,  new and exciting groups form around the elections to fight or advocate for more peace, less crime, more housing, increasing police and law enforcement (read immigration) resources and/or environmental issues.

Thing is,  in all of these instances,   there exists just such a group of concern citizens who would have loved to have more public support themselves.

You pick the topic and I'll bet we'll be able to come up with someone who's working to make it better, here in Durham!

I guess this is alright and probably the course in which most people feel and get 'connected' no matter how it's done.

But wouldn't it be great if we could all join together and work as a team?

I'm sure it would be more efficient.  I'm more than sure that the results might be longer lasting as in many instances as these new groups then either disband or diminish in strength as their particular issue plays out (win or lose).

To me,  it makes a difference in how 'we' respond to the next challenge, either in another Durham neighborhood or sometime in the future in that same neighborhood?

Mike Shiflett

----- Original Message ----- 
From: fitzjent at 
To: fitzjent at ; JBURWELL at ; sayre_mcord at ; yazerin at ; jimwarner at ; sigmo001 at ; walanresley at ; kinleh at ; stone001 at ; bmheron at ; geewen at ; roorents at ; golick at ; mwshiflett at ; MorganPropMgr at ; TKBrown at ; Carmen.B.Boyette at saw.02.usace.arm 
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 12:00 AM
Subject: Re: neighborhood support Part 2

I am sorry that I cut myself off in mid-diatribe.  Just as well perhaps.
  Anyway we know that 9 people sent a letter to the Planning Commission urging passage of a Plan that we had not seen.
  If we could talk with someone before we face the Council we would certainly appreciate it.
  Claire jentsch

Hello to Neighbors,
   I live in Garrett Farms off Garrett Road near Pickett Road.  Many of us are disappointied in a Plan (Z06-64) that will be before the City Council on Monday, October 15, 2007, at 7 pm.  The Development not only does not satisfy  residents in the area, but also it does fulfill the need for citizens to have had a voice in the process of negotiaton with the developer.
   Below is a letter I have sent to community members in the immediate area who want to try to get the Council to deny or postpone the Proposal.  
   I and some neighbors have started a Group (newhopefordurham at in order to get the attention of the Durham City Council.  It needs to give the community a chance to give thought, discussion and support to the Plan:

"Though the Planning Commission OK'd the Plan, it is not a done deal.  On Monday, October 15, 2007, at 7 pm the Durham City Council will hear pros and cons, and then Vote. As you know, if this Plan passes that is the end of Garrett Road as we know it.  It will be widened which will Pave the way for the rest of the open land on Garrett Rd. to be developed with the same drastic issues.
Our contention is that we citizens were not represented in the Garrett Farms Board letter (which was discussed and drafted by only one neighbor in Landsbury/Waterbury, and 8 in Garrett Farms) urging the Commission to Pass the Plan.
We were left out.
If we can get a Strong Turnout (wear orange) that evening we can show the elected officials that we want a postponement so that we can understand and improve the value of this Plan to our environment and welfare.  
Development happens, but it can and should be controlled."

Signed by Claire Jentsch  for newhopefordurham at

Now, I am hoping to get suggestions and/or support on this.  The Plan itself includes 308 residential units, 73  more than a developer offered 2 years ago.  Because that earlier offer was unanimously defeated with 235 residential units, we citizens felt we were safe in the same hands (6 for the North Garrett Road Committee, authorized by Garrett Farms Board) that had defeated Centex, that Wait!had promised to reach consensus with the new Developer, TCR, to work with the Developer and each consensus.

Any suggestions are morethan apriesiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


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