INC NEWS - Panhandling Ban

Newman Aguiar newman at
Sat Oct 6 16:38:27 EDT 2007

Thank you, Ken, Risa, Bill and all those who have worked on developing the
"Can You Spare A Change" campaign.  What I like most about your approach, is
that you have partnered with the organizations that have the ability to make
a difference in the lives of the panhandlers and provide our county with the
best chance of getting the panhandlers off the streets.  As we have seen
from the efforts of other cities that have implemented bans, they have not
been successful in addressing this problem.  (This information has been
discussed in great detail on the INC, PAC2 and DISC lists over the past two
years.  I refer those interested in the specifics to review the archives.)


Durham has a history of developing innovative solutions to problems, and I
believe that your campaign actually has a chance of working.  Unlike the
proposed ban, which if enforced (which is highly unlikely), would only serve
to unnecessarily divert law enforcement resources and further exacerbate the
overcrowding in our jail, your campaign doesn't cost the taxpayers any money
and actually has a good chance of succeeding because it addresses the root
causes of the problem.  
We already know from a review of our current arrest records that some of the
individuals most frequently arrested in Durham are panhandlers arrested
under laws and ordinances that are already on the books.  In Durham,
frequent arrests of panhandlers (at great expense to taxpayers, I might add)
have not served to deter the panhandlers.


I hope our county commissioners will bring the proposal to a vote and see
the wisdom to vote against the proposed ban.







In a message dated 10/5/2007 4:20:48 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
Ken at writes:

On Monday night, the BOCC is once again considering a proposal to make
panhandling illegal in Durham county.  Less than 2 years ago, I fully
supported such a measure.  I no longer support this idea.  I, for one, favor
a different approach.  You may read about that approach at <> .  


I credit Risa Foster as the primary brain of this effort.  Bill Anderson,
the money guy, has raised $1,600.00 so far and the gate is still down.  The
contributors so far have been Housing for New Hope, Worth Hill, Julie
Seagroves, Forest Hills Neighborhood Association, Downtown Durham Inc and
the DCVB.  


Rather than pan a law against the panhandlers, I would ask that our BOCC
consider supporting this campaign.


Ken Gasch


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