INC NEWS - Let's talk about SAFETY only

Anne Guyton annemguyton at
Tue Oct 9 11:58:09 EDT 2007

The question of pedestrian safety begins with attitude and bias - currently the laws, attitudes and bias of drivers puts cars first and pedestrians so far down the list that most drivers are shocked to see a pedestrian.  Things I don't believe the Durham Pedestrian Plan addresses that could be easily done now:

1.    Prohibit and enforce a ban on sidewalk parking.  Daily I see pedestrians (even wheelchairs) downtown forced into oncoming traffic because cars and trucks are parked on the sidewalk.  Somehow its better to impact a pedestrian than inconvenience other cars.  

2.    Put loading zoning parking downtown.  Our newly redone streets inside the loop don't include loading zones.  In particular the civic center is a problem, their loading dock has been taken over for employee smoking and storage.

3.   Protected walkways for construction.  Check out the parking deck & theatre construction on Magnum Street or Main Street at Legget & Meyers.  Remember the DOT 85 Bridge construction on Club that closed the sidewalk and trail for over 2 years.  In all these cases the first time someone came across this was the last time they walked there, simply too dangerous.

4.    No turn on red downtown, pedestrian crossing as a light cycle.  Daily I jay walk or go against the signal so I'm in the intersection where I can be SEEN by cars since most drivers are parked in the crosswalk and turn without looking for a pedestrian.  This wouldn't be necessary if drivers here reacted the way the do in California, where 8 lanes of traffic will come to a screeching halt when a pedestrian puts their big toe in the road.

Think about being a pedestrian, coming on these unexpected hazards
where no provision has been made for you safety and ask yourself if
you'd every walk there again?  

If we're serious about encouraging pedestrians and bicycles we must put pedestrians first and not last, until then folks will stay in their cars.


Anne Guyton

----- Original Message ----
From: "bragin at" <bragin at>
To: Mike - Hotmail <mwshiflett at>
Cc: inc-list at
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2007 10:56:37 AM
Subject: Re: INC NEWS - Let's talk about SAFETY only

""Do you believe it is safe to permit pedestrian activities* on roads, 
streets and/or intersections?" "

With all due respect, Mike, that is the wrong question. Pedestrian activities are already permitted on all except controlled access roads such as the Durham Freeway or I-85. And Durham already has a pedestrian plan in place, approved by city Council last year, which outlines how to make our roads safer for pedestrian activity, as well as how to create a pedestrian travel infrastructure which uses, but is not limited to, existing roadways. Pedestrian activity of any kind is a legitimate use of municipal and state facilities, and the real question is what should the various levels of government with responsibility in this area be doing to enhance the safety of those who choose to walk from one destination to another.

Barry Ragin
---- Mike - Hotmail <mwshiflett at> wrote: 

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.  
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