INC NEWS - Morreene Road development

pat carstensen pats1717 at
Thu Oct 25 22:27:59 EDT 2007

I just happened to see the following "guest opinion" piece in the Herald Sun.

by the folks trying to build a "commercial neighborhood" building in the Morreene Rd. neighborhood.  

It concludes:
"At the end of the day, if the Planning Department's evolving discretion
and our immediate neighbors' passions won't allow D&L to become
operational at the site, we will be forced to sell to the highest
bidder. The highest bidder could be a late-night convenience store or a
night club serving folks who stay up much later than we do." 

I find the threatening tone appalling.  Behavior like this is why neighborhoods treat any development in their area as a threat.  It also shows why all Durham neighborhoods need a type of zoning that permits useful commercial enterprises that will serve the neighborhood while controlling the size, lights, traffic, and so on that keep it at a scale appropriate to a neighborhood.

Regards, pat

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