INC NEWS - Planning Board hearing on UDO changes

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at
Mon Nov 26 14:52:44 EST 2007

There are two items up for the December 11 Planning Commission public hearing -- on on Conservation Subdivisions and one a long list of technical changes.  They are at:
Text Changes TC07-16 and TC07-13

What I see on the Conservation Subdivision is explicitly that the open space left has to meet purpose of conservation subdivision and open space standards (sewer and power line right of way not being on the list, I would guess this means that they can't be counted in the open space requirements (-:)

Technical changes1) Site plans in watershed protection critical areas that have more than low-impact run-off need major site plan review 

2) Dedicated open space can be transferred to a land trust 
3) Makes it more complicated (I think) to put parking in a flood plain4) Something about landscaping for vehicular use areas5) A bunch of other fiddly stuff
Regards, pat

The Planning Commission
public hearing is tentatively scheduled for December 11, 2007 at 5:30 p.m. in
the City Council Chambers at 101 City Hall Plaza.  Please contact the
Planning Department for confirmation of the hearing dates.  The proposed
revisions, once finalized, may be viewed at the web site listed above.

Staff contact: 
Julia Mullen, 560-4137 x255; email, julia.mullen at 


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