[Durham INC] Notification of Typo in Petition for Independent Jordan Lake Survey

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 9 13:40:15 EST 2009

I would GREATLY appreciate it if you would read and then post this email to your
neighborhood listservs (and any others to whom you posted the petition

I have been made aware of the following typo in the Petition for an Independent Jordan Lake Survey. The second to last paragraph stated that Durham was paying $100 million, when it should have said $100 thousand. This was merely a typo (and one that missed 3 proof-readings and 1123 signers).

Since it pertains to a dollar figure, I wanted to make all signers aware of the typo. 

If anyone wishes to remove their name as a result of this new information, just click on the link below and add your signature to the list to do so. I will submit this list along with the original petition to DWQ and our elected officials.


If you haven't signed the Petition for an Independent Jordan Lake Survey and would like to do so, please click on this link:


Note: Yahoogroups listservs have a way of screwing
 up links in my
email. If this happens to you, just cut and paste the link into your
address bar and remove any spaces before clicking 'go'.

Thanks so much for your understanding and help!
Melissa Rooney (author of the Petition for an Independent Jordan Lake Survey)

Melissa Rooney, Ph.D.
301 Spring Garden Drive
Durham, NC 27713
mmr121570 at yahoo.com

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