[Durham INC] A word about the Petition to the EMC (withdrawn)

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Thu May 14 10:31:17 EDT 2009

The Herald Sun reported yesterday that the Petition (for a declaratory ruling on DWQ's acceptance of the Hunter survey) was withdrawn.

Some people may feel that by dropping the
petition, we are not going to be able to use the survey to change the
previous decision.  I just want to assure you that the two issues are mutually
exclusive. In fact, we knew we were withdrawing the Petition when we started the Jordan Lake Survey Fund-raising drive.

As you know, the petition filers (including myself) were/are citizens and had no funds to hire a lawyer. Had we to do it again, we would have included more documentation and would have filed a petition on different grounds. That said, I am informed that a petition to the EMC can still be filed by neighboring jurisdictions and citizens....so that door is not closed.

We have been encouraged to continue to challenge implementation of the Hunter survey at the local level, via the upcoming public hearings. A second survey of the easternmost area will be very important in forcing the county to decide which interpretation of the normal pool they are going to go with to 'correctly delineate' the lake 'and the backwaters' (as stated in the state requirements): one that favors development, or one that favors lake protection. Right now they have one method and interpretation (that of the 751 Assemblage team), but there are several that can be used (a loophole in the state requirements).

So please do NOT let the EMC petition withdrawal keep you from making your donation to the Jordan Lake Survey Fund.

The easiest and best means to do so is by mailing a check to the Haw River Assembly:

Haw River Assembly
(Jordan Lake Survey Fund)
Haw River Assembly

PO Box 187

Bynum, NC 27228

Phone: (919) 542-5790

Please do not delay. Mail your $5 check today!
(and you can still pay by Paypal to mmr121570 at yahoo.com)

Melissa (Rooney)
P.S. It is important to remember that the EMC and DWQ did not approve the survey, per se. Only the county can do this. They accepted the survey based on the fact that the County has now followed the proper procedure with the state.

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