[Durham INC] INC honors residents for their contributions (Herald-Sun)

John Schelp bwatu at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 21 09:03:44 EDT 2009

INC honors residents for their contributions
Herald-Sun, 21 June 2009 

The InterNeighborhood Council of Durham honored Durham residents on Thursday for their contributions at a ceremony that also celebrated the organization's first quarter century of service to Durham and its neighborhoods. 

Grove Park resident Craigie Sanders, 2009 INC president, told the attendees, "INC is a community-based, grass-roots organization of neighborhoods that works with local elected officials to make Durham a better place to live and work. INC has served Durham residents for 25 years now. My hope is that we can continue INC's rich tradition of community service for at least 25 more years." 

INC recognized 17 heroes from 13 neighborhoods for their contributions in 2007-2008. They are: Irene Guerrant and Loretta Ragan, Catsburg; Natalie Spring and Harris Carpenter, Cleveland-Holloway; Wayne Smith, Fairfield; Dr. Nancy Henley, Forest Hills; Vicky Worthy, Grove Park; Paul Cornsweet, Morehead Hill; Jennifer Kleckner, Northgate Park; Carolyn Young, Old Farm Neighborhood; Ben Palmer and Mark Cool, Old West Durham; Richard Brown, Parkwood; Rick Phillips, Twin Lakes; Elizabeth Gill and George Glover, Walltown, and Mike Cashion, Woodcroft. 

Wanda Boone of DurhamTRY received the INC 2008 Good Neighbor Award in recognition of her professional efforts. 

For 2008-2009 volunteer work in their neighborhoods, INC recognized 13 community leaders from 11 neighborhoods. They are: Laurie Renard, Argonne Hills; Tom Higgins and Diana Peronis, Central Durham; Nancy Astrike and Joan Davis, Fairfield; Joe Chambliss, Forest Hills; David Davis, Grove Park; Rob Corns, Milan Woods; Dr. Terry Peaks-Cash, North East Central Durham; Page McCullough, Northgate Park; Carolyn Harris, Old Farm; Todd Twigg, Tuscaloosa-Lakewood, and Beverly Blue, Woodcroft. 

INC was organized in 1984 as a coalition of Durham's homeowner and neighborhood associations. Its mission is to promote the quality, stability and vitality of Durham's residential neighborhoods. 

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