[Durham INC] Support Durham Billboard Ban

N. Gallman n.gallman at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 15:06:10 EST 2009


Visit the following website to refresh your memory as to why the billboard
ban exists, to see examples of digital billboards in other communities, and
to learn the concerns about their energy footprint, safety record, and the
aesthetic impact digital billboards could have on Durham.


*Please forward this email to your neighborhood listserv, post to Facebook,
The new Contact page on the site has been updated with the following
[image: email link]<council at ci.durham.nc.us,%20commissioners at durhamcountync.gov,%20DurhamPlanningCommission at durhamnc.gov?&subject=I%20support%20keeping%20billboards%20out%20of%20Durham&body=I%20support%20Durham%27s%20current%20ban%20on%20new%20billboards,%20and%20I%20am%20writing%20to%20ask%20you%20to%20support%20the%20current%20ban%20in%20upcoming%20votes.>If
you agree, for any reason, that new billboards should be kept out of Durham,
please send a brief email to City Council, the County Commissioners, and the
Durham Planning Commission in support of keeping the 20+ year-old ban on
billboards in place.

You can send an email to all of them by clicking the envelope icon. If the
link does not work for you, send emails to:
*council at ci.durham.nc.us*,
*commissioners at durhamcountync.gov*,
and *DurhamPlanningCommission at durhamnc.gov*.

*Suggested text:* *I support Durham's current ban on new billboards, and I
am writing to ask you to support the current ban in upcoming votes. *

Thank you for standing up for Durham!

n. gallman
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