[Durham INC] coach bubba race cancelled

John Haws John.Haws at sas.com
Tue Dec 15 18:02:54 EST 2009

File this as a pet-peeve, but it strikes me as something of concern to neighborhoods and QOL in Durham. Forgive me if this is misposted.

I was dismayed to learn that Durham, and specifically DPD, refused to provide approval for the Coach Bubba Race course because it crossed some major roads (Fayetteville, Cornwallis). The race took runners through the heart of Morehead Hill and Forest Hills.


With the refusal to allow the race, the city is sending the message that Durham does not welcome events of this sort, and to me it casts a shadow over the city. The event raised a good bit of money for area groups (recently TROSA) and livened up at least one cold February morning every year. I envisioned the city hosting marathons and similar events, but it appears now that we're headed in the opposite direction. 


- John

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