[Durham INC] Opportunity to Send Ortho supplies to Haiti

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 9 21:42:29 EST 2010

If anyone can donate crutches, walkers or canes to the program below (they are on a very tight timeline due to a number of challenges), please contact me (or Vicki, see below) ASAP.


----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Vicki Cardoze <scardoze at msn.com>
To: fairfieldnc at yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 11:48:34 AM
Subject: [FairfieldNC] Opportunity to Send Ortho supplies to Haiti

If any one if Fairfield can help I will be the collection point.  thanks for considering this.  vicki Cardoze

Hi Friends,
I am on my way to Haiti with a group of orthopedic surgeons and I need your help.
We need physical therapy supplies so I can help the people in need.
Naively, I had thought that getting crutches, walkers, splints, etc wouldn’t be difficult but I was wrong.  I had thought that equipment companies would be falling over themselves to donate supplies.  But no.  
These companies have either already donated to other organizations or have committed their dollars to surgical supplies.
The irony is that we have a cargo plane dedicated to our team that will transport any supplies we can gather and fly them to our hospital in Haiti- - thus eliminating the middle man and the possibility of lost cargo.  
The frustration is that I do not have the supplies to put on the plane.
I am working with a grass-roots group www.gaittowardhope. org to get used crutches, walkers and canes.  
If you have anything like this that you can donate (including slings and braces) I can pick them up and box them to go on the cargo plane.  
Dave and I are planning to buy equipment ourselves and if you are interested in donating, your dollars would be well spent.  Donations are tax deductable and I will give you that info as needed. 
The medical team is going to Sacre Coeur Hospital in Milot.  It is run by the CRUDEM foundation, www.crudem.org  .  Crudem runs an ongoing (pre-earthquake) organization.  The Sacre Coeur Hospital usually has about 70 beds, but has now been declared a MASH unit and has expanded to 350 beds.  They are using nearby schools and churches to house the extra patients.  The military uses a soccer field to fly in about 30 patients per day.  
Our timeline is tight.  We need to have the equipment boxed and weighed by the end of this week.  
Hope you can help!  


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