[Durham INC] Support the HiFiber Durham effort to bring Google Fiber to Durham.

Kelly Jarrett kjj1 at duke.edu
Tue Mar 2 12:04:33 EST 2010


Learn about Durham's efforts to bring Google Fiber (a super high-speed 
fiber optic network) to Durham. Visit the HiFiberDurham website 
<http://www.hifiberdurham.com/> for more information. They're looking 
for citizen support and involvement, so visit the website and nominate 
Durham (you need a gmail account to this, and the link on their page 
will walk you through the process if you don't already have a gmail 

There's a lot of helpful information about what this project could mean 
for Durham on the Bull City Rising <http://www.bullcityrising.com/>blog. 
You can find helpful information about the impact this could have on 
citizens, RTP businesses, medical facilities, police and more. And if 
any ideas or applications come to you as you're reading, visit the 
HiFiber website and submit them.

For those of you who are on Facebook, there's also a Facebook fan page 
for HiFiber Durham 

They welcome ideas, input, and any hand-on help you can offer.

This would be a great thing for Durham. Please visit the websites to 
find out how you can contribute to this important effort.

Kelly Jarrett
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