[Durham INC] Google Event at the Durham Bulls Athletic Park

Shelly Green Shelly at Durham-cvb.com
Tue Mar 16 08:19:35 EDT 2010

As you know, Durham is submitting an application to Google to be chosen as a site where they will install a fiber optic network, providing ultra high speed internet service. Several community leaders, as well as residents, have invested lots of time and energy to complete the application. But, there is still another component that needs to be completed and we need your help in spreading the word.

This Thursday, March 18, we would like for all of you to join us in getting a crowd to come out to the Durham Bulls Athletic Park to participate in an on-field event where we will spell out, "We Want Google." An aerial photo will be taken and submitted with the application as a means of demonstrating strong community support for the application..

Here are the details:  We want people to arrive starting at 11 AM, the picture will be taken at about noon.  Please wear a primary color or black shirt or jacket.  Entrances on Blackwell Street and Jackie Robinson Drive will be open.  People will be separated by color shirt on arrival and called on to the field starting at about 11:45.  Mobile food vendors will be on hand to facilitate a quick lunch.  Everyone is welcome, the more the merrier.  The weather should be beautiful for this!!  We expect that we'll be done by 12:15 or so.

For additional information about this effort, please go to www.hifiberdurham.com<http://click.icptrack.com/icp/relay.php?r=4550794&msgid=433333&act=SPUZ&c=138415&destination=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hifiberdurham.com>.

Thanks for posting this to your neighborhood list serves, Facebook groups, PACs, in email to friends, colleagues and co-workers, etc.

Shelly Green
President & CEO
Durham Convention & Visitors Bureau
101 E. Morgan St., Durham, NC 27701
Phone: (919) 680-8300 | Fax: (919) 680-8340
www.durham-nc.com<http://www.durham-nc.com/> | shelly at durham-cvb.com<mailto:shelly at durham-cvb.com>


Find Durham, NC on Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/myDurham> and Twitter<http://twitter.com/DurhamNC>.
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