[Durham INC] Next Week's Delegates Meeting

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Wed Mar 17 20:41:28 EDT 2010

Dear Neighbors:


Several things:


Upcoming Meeting - Schedule Change


The city and county have scheduled public meetings that conflict with our
regular March 23 meeting and a number of you have indicated to me that you
would like to attend one or the other of them.  Because you should be able
to represent your neighborhoods at these public meetings and attend INC
meetings without conflict, we have rescheduled next week's delegates'
meeting to April 6, 7 p.m., at First Presbyterian Church on East Main


Our regular April meeting (4-27) will happen as scheduled.


Please note the change on your calendars.


Volunteers Needed to Cover Council and BOCC Meetings


I still need volunteers willing to attend meetings of the City Council and
the Board of County Commissioners as representatives of INC.  No one will
have to speak at these meetings unless INC has taken a position on an item
of business and the INC representative has volunteered for the speaking
part.  What we want is to establish a presence at these official meetings -
to note important items and to report back.  I would also like our
volunteers to make contact with neighborhood groups who have turned out for
a hearing or other item of business.  The INC rep can introduce the
neighborhood to INC and offer to help if we can.


We'll have a sign up for this job - it won't be for life.


Please consider volunteering.


INC Neighborhood Assistance Squads


I would like to put together two INC Neighborhood Assistance Squads to help
new neighborhoods groups get themselves organized.  I envision a squad
consisting of no more than two or three people who would work together to
help new neighborhood groups from having to reinvent the wheel.


Mike Shiflett and I used to do this and the experience was a really good







Tom Miller


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