[Durham INC] April 13: Text Amendment notice for TC0900008, Riparian Buffers (water quality) requirements

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 29 15:21:56 EDT 2010

Please see below. Yet another reason to attend the Durham Planning Commission meeting on April 13 (at 5:30 PM). The other reasons are 1) billboards 2) 751 Assemblage (plans for the previously protected Jordan Lake protected area along 751).

Hope to see you there :)

Melissa (Rooney)

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "Griffin, Wade" <Wade.Griffin at durhamnc.gov>
Sent: Mon, March 29, 2010 2:52:38 PM
Subject: Text Amendment notice for TC0900008, Riparian Buffers

Please be advised of the upcoming
proposed change to the text of the Durham Unified Development Ordinance
(UDO):  Text Change TC0900008 proposes revisions relating to water quality
and riparian buffers to the following UDO sections:  Table of Contents;
Sec. 3.5, Zoning Map Change; Sec. 3.6, Subdivision Review; Sec. 3.7, Site Plan
Review; Sec. 3.8, Sedimentation and Erosion Control; Sec. 3.15, Variance; Sec.
3.22, Floodplain Development Permit; Sec. 6.11, Planned Districts; Sec. 8.5,
Stream Buffer Protection Standards; Sec. 8.6, Water Supply Reservoir Buffer;
Sec. 8.7, Watershed Protection Overlay Standards; Sec. 8.9, Wetlands Protection
Standards; Sec. 15.1, Violations; Violators; new Sec. 15.8, Riparian Buffer
Protection Enforcement; Sec. 16.2, Abbreviations; and Sec. 16.3, Defined Terms.
The Durham Planning Commission will hold a public hearing on
TC0900008 on April 13, 2010 at 5:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers at 101
City Hall Plaza.  The text of the proposed change may be viewed at www.durhamnc.gov/council/ord_changes.
 Once the agenda is finalized, the staff memo may be viewed under
“Schedule” at www.durhamnc.gov/departments/planning/planning_commission.cfm. 
Please contact the Planning Department for more information.  Staff
contact:  Julia Mullen, 560-4137 x28255; e-mail, julia.mullen at durhamnc.gov
 Notice Under the
Americans with Disabilities Act- A person with a disability may receive an auxiliary aid or service to
effectively participate in city government activities by contacting the ADA
Coordinator, voice 919-560-4197, fax 560-4196, TTY 919-560-1200, or ADA at durhamnc.gov, as soon as possible but no
later than 48 hours before the event or deadline date.
City County Planning Department
101 City
Hall Plaza
Durham NC
919-560-4137 x28229
: 919-560-4641

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