[Durham INC] June 23, 7 PM, County Admin Bldg -- FINAL date for the 751 Ass. public hearing

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Tue May 25 16:58:08 EDT 2010

The public hearing for the 751 South/Ass. rezoning (case # Z0800003) is now June 23, at 7 PM. This is what should have been scheduled in response to the oppositions' request for a deferral in the first place. Since it appears the development team is the one truly granting this date (see the news article at the link below), we can only presume it will stick this time.

Here's the latest Indy article on the matter --


Now maybe the PA can finally schedule the Opposition Run they've been trying to do for two weeks now. I'll let you know when they determine the time and place for this event.

Melissa (Rooney)

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