[Durham INC] Alternatives for Transit

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 16 11:20:01 EDT 2010

I copied this from a PDF file so you aren't getting the letterhead.  I also took out the Wake County workshops and a useless paragraph.  Regards, pat
June 14, 2010

Thanks to the hard and thoughtful work of regional governments, the business community, Triangle Transit and area
stakeholders, a regional transit vision for the Triangle is beginning to take shape. The next step in the transit planning
process is an “Alternatives Analysis.” It is a technical review process required by the Federal Transit Administration to
examine the case for future Federal funding of major capital investments. The Alternatives Analysis begins with a
survey of existing transportation-related conditions, identifies and confirms transportation needs, and defines the goals
and objectives against which project alternatives will be evaluated.

Triangle Transit in partnership with regional stakeholders worked together to create a Regional Transit Plan that will
educate and inform the public about the various transit options that are being evaluated for our community. A broadbased
and transparent public process has been created to ensure that we get input from the public as we move
forward. It is the belief of Triangle Transit that involving the public is absolutely essential as we move forward with
solutions to the region’s transportation challenges.

An “Open House” workshop format will be used during the three rounds of workshops, with six workshops throughout
the region in each round. Additional information can be found at www.OurTransitFuture.com. The schedule for the
first round of workshops is as follows, each being held from 5:30-8:00 p.m.

2. June 30 (Wednesday)
Durham Public Library Auditorium
300 North Roxboro Street

4. July 7 (Wednesday)
Chapel Hill Town Hall
405 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd

The public workshops are just the beginning of opportunities for public involvement. Following this summer’s
workshops, other opportunities will follow as plans evolve.
If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact: Damien
Graham, Triangle Transit Government Affairs Manager at dgraham at triangletransit.org or 919-485-7413.
Jeff Merritt, Chair
Triangle Transit 		 	   		  
The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. 
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