[Durham INC] Indy and N&O on 751-- protest petition VALID

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 13 15:30:04 EDT 2010

See below :) 

1) Independent Weekly:

Note that under the new rules the petition would be valid EVEN WITHOUT the 

2) Herald Sun:
751 protest petition ruled valid
N&O, Tue, Jul 13, 2010 01:18 PM

The protest petition opposing a rezoning for the 751 South
subdivision project is valid, Durham City/County Planning Director Steve
Medlin said this afternoon.

Medlin said the determination was made in consultation with County
Attorney Lowell Siler, who concurs in the opinion. The Board of County
Commissioners, a representative of the petitioners and attorneys for
Southern Durham Development Inc., the prospective developer, have been
informed, Medlin said.

The valid ruling means that, for the rezoning to win approval, four of
the five county commissioners must vote in favor of it. Two
commissioners, Becky Heron and Ellen Reckhow, have opposed the project
since it was announced in 2008.

The commissioners are scheduled to open a public hearing on the rezoning
Wednesday morning. However, the board agreed in June to only open the
hearing as a formality to comply with a legal deadline, and then
continue it until their regular meeting July 28.

They settled on that plan when all five could not find an earlier date
they would all be able to attend.

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