[Durham INC] N&O blog on 751/SDD appraisal scandal

Pat Carstensen pats1717 at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 4 20:41:42 EDT 2010

Look, the really easy answer is for the state to take the gift and give Chancellor's Ridge 2 feet on the other side.......

Date: Wed, 4 Aug 2010 17:22:58 -0700
From: mmr121570 at yahoo.com
To: inc-list at durhaminc.org; durhamenviro at yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Durham INC] N&O blog on 751/SDD appraisal scandal

See the link below. http://blogs.newsobserver.com/bullseye/
Wow. This is ridiculous and definitely nasty. How on earth is it okay in this country for a company to take the state to court because the latter gave back a supposed GIFT!!?? I'm glad that citizens can't take each other to court for gift returns, or I'd be in serious trouble at
Saddest part is that this 'gift' will most definitely become a road, which wouldn't have any affect on the protest petition. But before it becomes a road, if the 'gift' is accepted, it becomes state property which would then exclude current signatories from being able to sign the protest petition, thereby making the protest petition invalid. Hope this makes some sense.
You know, if Durham County had paid for a truly independent survey of Jordan Lake (in collaboration
 with Chatham and Orange Counties, who also contain parts of the lake), then it would have saved all of us a lot of money, time, and stress. This whole manipulated process has cost Durham County citizens far more than the cost for an independent survey of our portion of Jordan Lake...
Melissa Rooney

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