[Durham INC] BOCC Public Hearing on Billboard Ordinance: DO NOT POSTPONE!

Kelly Jarrett kjj1 at duke.edu
Thu Aug 5 10:35:33 EDT 2010


After their resounding defeat at Monday's City Council meeting, it would 
not surprise me if the Fairway & billboard industry representatives try 
to postpone the County Commissioner's public hearing on the issue 
scheduled for Monday, Aug. 9.

Fairway has been dragging this issue out for two years. Durham citizens 
overwhelmingly support Durham's current billboard ordinance, as 
evidenced by the DCVB survey results and the MORE THAN 1000 EMAILS we 
have already sent to elected officials urging them to support the 
current ordinance. Fairway's proposal to bring electronic billboards to 
Durham has generated more emails to elected officials than any other issue.

Please take a moment to write the commissioners 
(commissioners at durhamcountync.gov ) and let them know that you support 
the current ordinance and that WE WANT CLOSURE ON THIS ISSUE NOW.

We learned at the City Council meeting that Fairway has no employees in 
Durham. So these elected officials will get no votes from Fairway in 
future elections. But WE live AND VOTE here. BOCC members would be well 
advised to remember this if they are approached by Fairway and asked to 
postpone this public hearing and as they consider how they will vote on 
this issue.

Thanks also to those on the BOCC who stand with us. We will remember.

Kelly Jarrett

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