[Durham INC] Herald-Sun on billboards today: inspections, delays, threats to return

Kelly Jarrett kjj1 at duke.edu
Fri Aug 6 07:49:04 EDT 2010

So the Herald-Sun confirms that Fairway & Byker will request to postpone 
the public hearing on billboards at the Monday BOCC meeting.

More interesting: like The Terminator, Byker promises "they'll be back" 
with the same request for another council. So fasten your seatbelts, its 
going to be a bumpy night.

Both the city and county say rezoning decisions that go against an 
applicant have to stand for at least a year before they'll accept a new 
request, unless sponsors modify it significantly or circumstances change. 

But City Attorney Patrick Baker said it's not possible to keep 
legislative requests off the agenda indefinitely.

"You know how democracy works, and sometimes you ask over and over and 
over again," Baker said. "You really can't prevent it from coming back 
again, particularly to another council."

Read more: The Herald-Sun - City turns to billboards inspection 

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