[Durham INC] Urgent and important regarding ADT Alarm salesmen

TheOcean1 at aol.com TheOcean1 at aol.com
Fri Nov 5 17:13:56 EDT 2010

Just visited with a group of ADT Alarm system salesmen with Security Watch  
on their jackets.
The first thing I did, was ask to see their Vendor's License. That's the  
first thing I hope ALL of you will do, regardless of your interest in buying 
a  system or not.
They said they didn't know they needed one, but that they would buy them on 
So they should NOT be going door to door in Durham this weekend, since  
it's too late to get their licenses.
Each salesman should have their own license, and have it with them, or they 
 are committing a misdemeanor and Police should be called. See below.
I explained to these fellows how "connected" we all are in Durham via  our 
five PACs, and neighborhood listservs, and they are likely to hear that  
question "DO YOU HAVE A VENDOR'S PERMIT?" on Monday, or if they continue to try 
 to sell this weekend without them.
So please forward this message to PACs 1, 3, 4 & 5, and to each of your  
Tell your neighbors who aren't on the listserv the question to ask: "DO YOU 
Thanks everyone,
Bill  Anderson
Sec.  30-233.  Enforcement of article;  remedies. 
(a)   Criminal remedies.  Conducting  business within this city without 
having paid the privilege license tax imposed  by this article, or without 
valid license issued pursuant to this article, is a  misdemeanor, punishable 
pursuant to G.S. 14-4. Each day  that a person conducts business in violation 
of this article is a separate  offense. Payment of a fine imposed in criminal 
proceedings pursuant to this  section does not relieve a person of 
liability for taxes imposed under this  article.   
(b)   Equitable remedies.  In addition to  the criminal remedies set forth 
in subsection (a) of this section, and pursuant  to G.S. 153A-123(d), the 
city may seek an injunction  against any person conducting a business in 
violation of this article.    
(Code  1982, App. A, § 33; Ord. No. 9167, 5-31-1990) 
Secs.  30-234--30-259.  Reserved.
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