[Durham INC] Fwd: [pac2] Fw: [NPNA] Spanish Speakers Needed - Dress for Success

Josie McNeil riojosie at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 22:33:32 EDT 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ginny Martin <ginnylmartin at att.net>
Date: Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 9:53 PM
Subject: [pac2] Fw: [NPNA] Spanish Speakers Needed - Dress for Success
To: pac2 <pac2 at yahoogroups.com>

This isn't about crime, but possibly someone who speaks Spanish will be able
to help out.

----- Forwarded Message ----
*From:* Jack Mitchell <jamitch3 at mindspring.com>
*To:* NPNA at yahoogroups.com
*Sent:* Fri, November 5, 2010 1:43:57 PM
*Subject:* [NPNA] Spanish Speakers Needed - Dress for Success

-----Original Message-----

From: agburns [mailto:agburns at email.unc.edu <agburns%40email.unc.edu>]

Sent: Monday, November 01, 2010 5:29 PM

Hi, I am a Senior Spanish major here at UNC and I'm also an intern with a

non-profit organization called Dress for Success. Dress for Success is an

organization dedicated to helping low income women looking for employment;

we provide them with career counseling, prepare them for job interviews,

provide them with the materials and guidance needed to make resumes, cover

letters, etc. and we also provide them with an interview suite, free of

charge. Once women have obtained an employment position we also provide

them with a week's worth of clothing for their job, free of charge.

Currently, we have no Hispanic clients so we are looking to expand our

clientele to Hispanic women. So as an intern I am establishing and

developing the Hispanic Program by reaching out to other organizations and

agencies in the Triangle area dedicated to aiding the Hispanic population

in hopes of establishing a referral relationship with them.

However, recently we've started to make referral relationships with other

Hispanic organizations in the area and so we're starting to get Hispanic

clients. So now we are facing the issue of having Spanish speaking

volunteers in the office to help and work with the Hispanic women who come

in looking for suites, interview training, etc.

I was emailing in hopes that you could send out this information over the

listserv for Spanish majors. It would be a great opportunity for Spanish

speaking majors to get their foots in the door as far as volunteering and

working with non-profits and Hispanics in the area. I wasn't sure exactly

who I should contact as far as getting this information out to the Spanish

majors listserv so if you're not theappropriate person to contact then

please let me know who I should get in touch with. Thanks so much for your

help! I've provided a description below of the volunteer opportunity

available to Spanish speakers that could be sent out on the listserv...

"Dress for Success is an organization dedicated to helping low income women

looking for employment; we provide them with career counseling, prepare

them for job interviews, provide them with the materials and guidance

needed to make resumes, cover letters, etc. and we also provide them with

an interview suite, free of charge. Once women have obtained an employment

position we also provide them with a week's worth of clothing for their

job, free of charge. We are currently looking for Bilingual (Spanish and

English speaking) volunteers to help Hispanic clients at Dress for Success.

We are looking for volunteers who can help dress women for job interviews

and those who can provide interview preparation (resume creation, 30 second

elevator speeches, etc.) Weekday hours are needed - Tuesdays & Thursdays

10-4 and Fridays 10-1. We are located in downtown Durham in Northgate Mall.

Here is the website with the regular job descriptions -

http://www.dressforsuccess.org/affiliate.aspx?sisid=133&pageid=2. No prior

experience is needed, as brief training will be provided for working with

these women. You can contact Megan Risley for further information -

megan at dfstriangle.org <megan%40dfstriangle.org>."

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