[Durham INC] FW: Alston Widening

Tom Miller tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Sat Dec 18 08:52:53 EST 2010

Here are comments from Don Yarboro about Alston Avenue.  I still have very
serious misgivings about the project and I reject completely that we should
do the project simply because DOT is offer to pay for it.   But, as we study
the widening issue, I suggest that we invite someone from the NECD to share
their views officially.




From: Donald Yarboro [mailto:donaldtms at hotmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, December 17, 2010 1:42 PM
To: tom-miller1 at nc.rr.com
Subject: Alston Widening


Good Afternoon Tom,
I hope you and your family are enjoying the best of health and prosperity
this Christmas season. I enjoyed reading the article in the Durham News
about Alston Avenue and wanted to weigh in on the positive side of the
widening of Alston Avenue.  I write to you as a lifelong resident of Durham,
a former resident of the neighborhood and a major stakeholder in Northeast
Central Durham.  During the past four years I have served on the Northeast
Central Durham Leadership Council.  The Council is a citizen body made up of
NECD homeowners, business owners, city staff and long tenure neighborhood
activates.  The council feels it is in the best interest of NECD to move
forward with the widening of Alston Avenue. Pac 1 has also voted to support
the widening of Alston Avenue. Ernie Mills of the Durham Rescue Mission is
in favor of the widening.  The widening of Alston Avenue is a need not a
want for the safety and security of the neighborhood.  The NCDOT says that
the accident rate on this section of Alston Avenue is some of the highest in
the state. The new widening will make the road safer for traffic and
NECD has a bright future and the widening will enhance the perception of the
neighborhood.  When you ride from Hwy 147 (Durham Expressway) north to
Holloway Street you encounter many blighted non historical and non
conforming properties showing years of neglect.  The widening will justly
compensate the owners for their property and this blight will be removed.  I
experience this firsthand when my customers arrive at our building and have
already formed a negative opinion of the neighborhood. 
The widening will have a positive effect on the short and long term economic
situation in the neighborhood.  I remember when NECD had four banks.  Today
there are none.  NECD was the leader in manufacturing for many years but
most companies pulled out.  NECD needs jobs for their residents.  Economic
activity will have a better chance to move forward with the widening of
Alston Avenue.
Debate and discussion is healthy for any major change to a neighborhood.  I
respect the opinions of other people who do not want or see no need for
improvements to Alston Avenue. I  hope the the above discussion points will
help give you some of the positive attributes of the Alston widening.  I
speak only for myself in this email.  
Donald Yarboro   

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