[Durham INC] 751 South: Urban Growth Boundary Extension still on Jan 3 agenda

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 22 01:09:50 EST 2010

Please write the city council and thank them for removing the751 Southwater and 
sewer extension from their Jan 3 agenda. But please also ask them to vote NO on 
extending the Urban Growth Boundary west of NC 751 in Southern Durham on Jan 3. 
This public hearing, which also affects the 751 South development and 
surrounding area, is still scheduled immediately after the holidays, when 
citizen participation is expected to be minimal at best. 

Note  that the extension of the urban growth boundary is required in order to  
extend water and sewer to this area and, therefore, to the 751 South  project. 
As the Urban Growth Boundary extension is a public hearing, your physical 
presence (and verbal statement) at this city council meeting (Jan 3, City Hall, 
7 PM) is much needed. 

Regardless of the 751 South project, with the current  state of Jordan Lake 
water quality and the cleanup initiatives/costs  required of the city it is a no 
brainer that this area should retain  what little rural restrictions it has left 
(or at the very least have rock-solid, committed requirements that development 
be restricted to LOW DENSITY residential development, which is to say it remains 
at the current RR density).

Note the last two lines in the N&O story on the matter:
"The council did, however, schedule a public hearing on           extending the 
Urban Growth Boundary west of N.C. 751 in           southern Durham at its Jan. 
3 regular meeting. City policy is           to not extend utilities outside that 
"If that doesn't change, it's a whole different ballgame,"           Bell said."

Here's the whole article:


Thanks again for your continued attention and involvement in this 
environmentally important, precedent setting development and the protection of 
what's left of this area nearest Jordan Lake.

---Melissa Rooney

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