[Durham INC] Fwd: Support the marriage amendment

Joshua Allen allen.joshua at gmail.com
Tue Sep 13 09:25:51 EDT 2011

Kacie, please let Ellen know that I found this to be the most well thought
out post on this topic.

Christine, I wish you nothing but love in your heart to replace your anger.

Sent from iPhone.  Please excuse brevity, typos, etc.

On Sep 13, 2011, at 8:21 AM, kacie martin <kcmartin at clearwire.net> wrote:

a forward from my longtime companion...

Begin forwarded message:

*From: *Ellen Whitaker <whitaker-e-s at clearwire.net>
*Date: *September 12, 2011 8:30:23 PM EDT
*To: *kacie martin <kcmartin at clearwire.net>
*Subject: **Re: [Durham INC] Support the marriage amendment*

Dear Christine,

Generally when people write about sexual orientation, they write from their
own experience. They assume that what is true for them is true for others. I
think it is fairly safe to assume that people who think sexual orientation
is a choice have themselves made a choice.  Perhaps they have had same-sex
attraction that they are repressing.  This does not make such a person
heterosexual.  It makes them a bisexual who is repressing same-sex
attractions.  It is not such a person's place to insist that other bisexuals
do the same.  And such a person needs to understand that not everyone is
bisexual.  Many people are born either heterosexual or homosexual.

I find it interesting that you mention people "reverting" back to
heterosexuality.  Someone who is actually homosexual has been so their
entire lives, since before they even knew what sex is.  There is no
heterosexuality to "revert" back to.  These college friends of yours are
either bisexuals who later chose to repress their same sex attractions, or
they are still homosexuals living a heterosexual life and making themselves
and their spouses miserable, or else they are heterosexuals, who while they
were drunk once or twice experimented to satisfy their curiosity.

Your email post was very bizarre.  Do you think that all gay people have a
drinking problem?  Do you think that alcoholism causes homosexuality? If you
"love your homosexual friends," why would you not want them to have the same
rights that you have?

Gay people do not choose to be gay; straight people do not choose to be
straight; and bisexual people do not choose to be bisexual.  Each of us is
whatever we are in terms of our sexual orientation just as surely as each of
us has an eye color that will not change.   Bisexual people may choose to
repress same sex attractions, knowing that society will more readily accept
them if they are in a heterosexual relationship, but that does not mean they
are heterosexual.  It simply means they don't act on homosexual feelings.

Right-handed people outnumber left-handed people.  It is not natural for
left-handed people to write with their right hand.  And it is not morally
wrong to be left-handed, despite the fact that right-handed people are the
norm.  Heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals.  This does not make being gay
morally wrong.  Love is love.  A desire for commitment with someone you love
is a good thing.  Encouraging people to make a commitment to a stable
relationship is a good thing, not only for the individuals concerned, but
also for society.

Making people feel inferior and actually writing discrimination into a
constitution can't help but create mental health problems for individuals
and difficulties for society. I would think that as an educator, you would
be well aware that the state constitution is not the place to make mandatory
limitations on human rights.

Ellen Whitaker

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* Christine Chamberlain <christinebbd at yahoo.com>
*Date:* September 12, 2011 3:41:39 PM EDT
*To:* "INC-list at rtpnet.org" <INC-list at rtpnet.org>
*Subject:* *Re: [Durham INC] Support the marriage amendment**
**Reply-To:* Christine Chamberlain <christinebbd at yahoo.com>

I'm new to this list serve, and from what I've seen so far this group has a
wide and diverse group of people.

I love my friends who are homosexual, and I will always be there to support
them through thick and thin.  It is not my business to judge their choices
in partners whether they be homo or hetero.  I have 3 friends from college,
who were homosexual while in college, and  all 3 chose to revert back to
heterosexual after receiving counseling for alcoholism.  2 are married with
children, the 3rd is engaged.

I've lived in NC since 1994 and I'm the founder of the first charter school
in NC, Healthy Start Academy.  My school is 99% black, always has been,
although I'm white and my white daughter attended the school.  The state
tried to shut my school down because it was mostly black (and failed after
the national news media spread the news from coast to coast).

Having said this, I must say I support the constitutional amendment banning
same sex marriage.  The gay/lesbian agenda is to piggy-back racial issues,
and this doesn't gain them much sympathy from black families.  You can't
choose to be black.  You can't choose to be white.  You CAN choose to be gay
or lesbian.

I'm sure my opinion won't be popular among some of you, please send all hate
mail  privately rather than  to the list

Christine Chamberlain

Durham INC Mailing List
list at durham-inc.org

*kathleen c. martin*
713 Arnette Ave
Durham, NC 27701
tel 919.627.4007
kcmartin at clearwire.net

Durham INC Mailing List
list at durham-inc.org
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