[Durham INC] New Commissioner Karriker and 751 South debacle

Darius Mercedes Little Darius.M.Little at alumni.unc.edu
Fri Sep 30 12:16:15 EDT 2011

I think it's fair to note that in Politics, every coalition has their season.  While I love Melissa's zeal, courage and determination, sometimes it's your time and sometimes, it simply isn't.

This is a situation where Becky Heron, a staunch environmental advocate, retired.  Surely, the former Commissioner realized that the Board already had a majority in support of the project, and that her retirement would almost certainly result in another Pro-Development Appointee joining the body.

Becky put her personal well-being first, as she should.  Now, as John noted, even if the lawsuit is adjudicated in favor of the Complainants, it is a moot point, as the new Commissioner clearly supports the project.

So, for those of you who detest this project (whether from true belief that it's adverse cons outweigh its potential good, or even if you're just jumping on the bandwagon to be aligned with familiar battle-partners), you'd probably be better suited, rest more comfortably at night and frankly, have peace-of-mind by acknowledging that not conspiracy theories, but good old fashioned favor, luck, divine intervention, or something else, has occurred which is to the Developers benefit.

I call it Politics and Favor.  Sometimes it's just your season.

So it goes in Politics.

I would note, it was the People's Alliance, the more environmentally-concerned group which endorsed Brenda Howerton and Michael Page, not the Durham Committee or Friends of Durham.  Now, unless the interviewers were just dumb, they felt those individuals had some qualities which were good for the organization.

My point: we're not all 100% good, but we surely aren't 100% bad either.

As any wise citizen, or organization does:  instead of fanning flames at conspiracy theories, expend your efforts on galvanizing your voting blocks to bring whatever change you individually desire.

Then it will be your season.  And then, you'll be able to say: no, I didn't bribe anyone, I didn't do favors, it is simply my season.

Let's go back to giving people what we all want for ourselves:  fairness and the benefit of the doubt.

Grace is sufficient to receive, only when it has been freely given unto our Brothers and Sisters.

Have a great weekend,



Darius M. Little
Executive Business Consultant  and
Strategic Marketing Analyst

(web) www.linkedin.com/in/dariuslittle
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-----Original Message-----
From: John Martin <bulldurhamnc at yahoo.com>
Sender: inc-list-bounces at rtpnet.org
Date: Fri, 30 Sep 2011 08:06:19 
To: Inter neighborhood council<inc-list at durhaminc.org>; Durham Enviro<durhamenviro at yahoogroups.com>; Melissa Rooney<mmr121570 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Durham INC] New Commissioner Karriker and 751 South debacle

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