[Durham INC] Subsidizing Save-A-Lot

Darius Mercedes Little Darius.M.Little at alumni.unc.edu
Tue Jan 10 15:19:46 EST 2012

Dear John:

Thanks for sharing your letter.

I'll make my thoughts brief: 

(1) In my opinion, any development in that corridor would be a positive; especially a grocery store that serves populations other than those targeted by Los Primos.

(2) The role of Community Leaders, whether one is a PAC Leader, or Organization leader is to stay abreast of activities within the City/County, and help mold the process thereafter.  

Your letter seemed to tell the Mayor, Council and Workforce Development staff that because you weren't consulted (I state you specifically bc you listed your titles to them), initially, that the decisions thus far as not valid.

As INC President, I believe you should not have expressed an upfront, personal opinion on the matter.  Moreover, I feel that as with all other issues, the organization should discuss them and then approach elected officials.  

Given how active Councilman Woodard is in INC, I just don't see how the letter was useful, nor how it will help INC down the road in effectively engaging in dialogue with these same individuals to whom you've blasted.

Just my 2-cents.  

In Service,


Darius M. Little
Executive Business Consultant and
Strategic Marketing Analyst

(web) www.linkedin.com/in/dariuslittle

Manta Business Profile/Report: 


-----Original Message-----
From: John Martin <bulldurhamnc at yahoo.com>
Sender: inc-list-bounces at rtpnet.org
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2012 11:54:54 
To: <inc-list at durhaminc.org>
Subject: [Durham INC] Subsidizing Save-A-Lot

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