Myers Sugg andrew.sugg at duke.edu
Fri Feb 17 15:29:30 EST 2012

Dear Friends:
On behalf of the Tuscaloosa Lakewood Neighborhood Association (TLNA), and the newly renovated Lakewood YMCA (located at 2119 Chapel Hill Road), we would like to welcome you to our community.  TLNA is home to over 500 households with a wide variety of housing types.  We are fortunate to have the Lakewood YMCA reopen after several years.  The Lakewood Y shares space with just opened of Lakewood Montessori Middle School.  TLNA is in close proximity to Duke University, Duke University Medical Center, happening downtown Durham, with easy access to 15/501, I85, I40 and the Durham Freeway.  We are fortunate to have a grocery store, good restaurants, and other local businesses within walking distance.  We encourage you to come check out the new Y facilities, and consider TLNA if you are looking to relocate.  Good things are happening in Durham, and TLNA.  Please come and see what it's all about.....
 Kindest regards,
 Lydia Manning, TLNA President
tlnadurham at gmail.com<mailto:tlnadurham at gmail.com>
 Brad Myers, Director  Lakewood YMCA
Brad.Myers at YMCATriangle.org<mailto:Brad.Myers at YMCATriangle.org>


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