[Durham INC] Fw: One Final Request

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Tue May 15 07:03:54 EDT 2012

See below and please consider responding in kind.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: WillWilson4CC <willwilson at ww4cc.com>
To: Will Wilson <willwilson at ww4cc.com> 
Sent: Monday, 14 May 2012 7:23 PM
Subject: One Final Request
Well, no promises on the "finality" of it all..

As you know, Commissioner Bowser resigned after the primary election, and the sitting members choose his replacement. I just submitted the following letter to the editor of The Herald-Sun. Please follow its request, and pass it on to others:

Dear Editor,

Please accept the following 121 word letter to the editor:

Given the recent vacancy on the Board of County Commissioners, the remaining commissioners can either listen to the people's voice from the recent primary election, or make their own arbitrary choice. The primary results spurred this vacancy, and I urge the sitting commissioners to listen to the voters and appoint Fred Foster to the vacant seat. The reasons are clear. He earned the most votes of all the challengers, and it is highly likely that he will win a seat in the November election. The people of Durham clearly identified their choices for commissioners, and any other appointment is an affront to the voters. I urge Durham voters to email the commissioners at commissioners at durhamcountync.gov and demand that Fred Foster be appointed.

Will Wilson
16 Sunny Oak Pl
Durham, NC 27712
919 383 2326

-- http://www.ww4cc.com/
Paid for by the Committee to Elect Will Wilson
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