[Durham INC] Foster's Durham Committee Interview:

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Wed May 23 15:11:14 EDT 2012

" But, since he did not allow Judge Abernathy to remain on the 751 case, but instead went next in the rotation to Henry Hight (a VERY respected Judge), PA supporters even went so far as to make a 751 judicial endorsement.  Beyond all reason - and community interest at-large.  "

I think Darius jumps to a big conclusion here. I also attended the PA endorsement meeting and didn't come away with a feeling that Hudson was not endorsed due to the Abernathy replacement or the judicial scenario surrounding the 751 project. Tracey Cline did reveal some considerable concerns regarding Hudson, regardless of her own situation.

As for the rest of Darius's email, I agree with it, for the most part.

However, I was proud of the PA for not endorsing someone simply because they were black or due to the apparent need to pander to the Committee, as I see this as a form of racism and think it is insulting to the candidates, whether they are black, white, or purple.

I certainly did not want to endorse a candidate I didn't really know- I have made that mistake before and dint plan to do it again. As Darius's comments regarding the other candidates indicate, most of the other candidates' interview/questionnaire answers were vague at best. I did not support Page because of the way he handled people who disagreed with him, a phenomenon that has come to be known as 'Page Rage.' I have personally been a victim (the video of the meeting is available on the BOCC website), and I know of many who previously avid supporters of Page who have changed their minds due to his treatment of them once they didn't agree with everything he thought.

As for Howerton, in addition to the 751 issue (as a previous SWCD board member, she should have at least shown substantial interest in the affects on Jordan Lake, and she showed little to none), too many times she prolonged meetings by having staff spoon-feed her information that she should have read in her packet prior to the meeting. She took a lot of trips and padded her resume as a result, IMHO she should have been concentrating on her role as commissioner in Durham, rather than spending our taxpayer money elsewhere.

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