[Durham INC] Kickoff of INC Membership Taskforce

Richard Ford rbford at aim.com
Wed Jun 6 15:38:21 EDT 2012

At the INC meeting May 22, it was decided to look at  how we can increase the number of INC member Neighborhood/Homeowner Associations. Darius and I are heading up the task force. The other members are Susan Sewell, Don Lebkes and Kevin Fortin.

Our first goal is to report back at the June meeting with proposed next steps for the delegates to consider such as how to contact other associations as well as defining our value proposition. 

Any ideas on how to proceed you may have now or as we proceed will be greatly appreciated. 

We think of this as the beginning of an outreach program to neglected or unknown customers.  As we begin to have contact with them, we will better understand our own value proposition and how we may appeal to them.  We will likely also discover how we are viewed by these potential members.

Also if anyone has some INC history or memories on previous membership drives, or  knows someone we should talk to for guidance, please let us know.

Thanks in advance for your help and we look forward to our discussion on June 26.

Darius and Dick

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