[Durham INC] Literacy, not 751, is the crucial issue facing County Commissioners.

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 10 09:21:50 EDT 2012

Both are clearly important issues. We've been trying to tackle literacy for decades.

Perhaps if Durham uses the money it plans to use for the sewer line for 751 to start another 'more at four' program, we could start actually doing something proactive in this regard. Of course, it would have been even better if they could have combined this with all the funds that would have been saved had they just done an independent survey of Jordan Lake in the first place.

I am VERY active in Durham Public Schools, and I can tell you that until we address the inequality in kids' educations BEFORE they enter kindergarten, we're going to be banging our head against this literacy wall. Of course, there are a lot of other initiatives that will need to be taken as well.


 From: Richard Ford <rbford at aim.com>
To: INC <inc-list at rtpnet.org> 
Sent: Saturday, 9 June 2012 8:18 PM
Subject: [Durham INC] Literacy, not 751, is the crucial issue facing County Commissioners.

This article from tomorrow's Durham News illustrates the important issue - literacy - that should be driving the Commissioner's race, not an obsession with the development of a troublesome parcel. 

Have any of the Commissioner candidates or the PAC's laser-focused on literacy as our number one issue?  Are we wiling to let social issues or opposition to a particular development obscure what really needs to be done in Durham, while thousands cannot read sufficiently??.

44% of Durham school kids failed their reading tests  Will the County Commissioners pass theirs??

Child literacy should be Durham’s Job 1!!



On Jun 9, 2012, at 3:31 PM, Richard Ford wrote:

751 is a big issue but using it as a litmus test may not produce the best Commissioners who after all will make hundreds of decisions over the next four years. 
>Character, ability to move an agenda, integrity etc can mean more than a particular stand on a single issue.
>Sent from my iPhone
>On Jun 9, 2012, at 12:33 PM, TheOcean1 at aol.com wrote:
scanned that article, but I thought it said he was holding off being "for or 
against", until he has endorsements.
backwards to me, since I thought endorsements were based on a candidate's 
positions on the issues at hand.
>>In essence 
he's saying, "Endorse me and I'll vote which ever way your group 
>>To heck 
with what's best for Durham County, he needs some endorsements. That's a great 
way to make decisions about Durham's future, or more accurately, place the 
decisions in the hands of those who've endorse him.
>>Bill Anderson
>>In a message dated 6/9/2012 7:25:22 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, kjj1bg at yahoo.com writes:
>>Ridiculous. In today's paper NHL says he's "neutral" on 751 and trying to  "do his homework" and "make an informed decision." That homework--on the most  divisive issue on the ballot--should have been done before he got into the  race. It doesn't speak well to his political thought processes to say that  now. 
>>>Just MHO. 
>>>Sent from my iPhone. Take typos and autocorrect errors 
  lightly please. 
>>>On Jun 8, 2012, at 9:59 AM, Carl Kenney <revcwkii at hotmail.com>  wrote:
>>>>Omar Beasley has received the 7,500 signatures needed to be placed  on the ballot to run for the Board of County Commissioners.  Read what  the Rev-elution has to say regarding how Beasley being placed on the ballot  will shake up the endorsement process.
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