[Durham INC] Ending the cycle of poverty transportation

Darius Little Darius.M.Little at alumni.unc.edu
Thu Aug 16 14:42:22 EDT 2012

Mr. Gulley and all forces behind the recent efforts of advancing transportation -including a passed referendum item by the Citizens of Durham- are who need our help.

Advancing transportation will provide incentive for more citizens to ride buses, trains, etc.

As far as this not being about race....you guys know I RARELY, if ever, cuss: bullshit!  As soon as I opened the email, the teaser reads as follows:

“A black man can’t make it in this country,” an animated rider declared as the bus turned right on Dowd Street. “The white man has everything.  Ain’t nothing we can do to change things.”

If this isn't about race, then focus on socioeconomics.  My point has still not been addressed:  (1) Most poor blacks live in the City Limits. This is where we get such terms as "Inner City" from, when referring to lower class blacks.  This also explains why the Police Department, no matter what City, almost always have more interactions with blacks, as compared to whites.  this is also why the Sheriff's Department, no matter what county, or state, typically always has more interactions with whites, than blacks.  "Most" poor whites live in rural areas.  "Most" poor blacks live in the city.  This is also why some criticize whites that purchase property in areas such as Northeast Central Durham and -unfairly- accuse them of "running black folk out of the City." I was born in Greenville, NC and it is the same there.

This is nothing new.  There aren't many bus routes in Bahama........or Rougemont.

Poor is Poor.  But Carl's article didn't simply stick to socioeconomics, but instead talked about how the "white man" has everything.

Look folks, I was raised in rural Pitt County by my grandparents.  When my grandparents died, I was placed in foster care and spent the rest of my life in the Central Children's Home of Oxford.  I started college at NC State, transferred to Carolina and rode the bus, and walked.  I also -as was reported when I ran for City Council 3 and 1/2 years ago- bounced checks (my own) and ended-up in court on several occasions.  Survival!  On my own, surviving.  I didn't rob anyone, I bounced checks and lied to a few landlords.  But I made it!

And today, I employ 12 adults, I create and manage businesses, help companies obtain federal contracts and I do some grant-writing, public relations work, community outreach, presentations, bidding, etc.  I am very blessed.  And I volunteer and give to a lot of organizations, as my way of giving back.

I'm successful. I don't drive the bus. I own a Mercedes and a BMW. I am Black.  I am not going to ride a bus, period, and that doesn't make me a less environmentally-conscious individual.  Nor does it make me less sensitive to the plight of others.

I help a lot of small, mom and pop, black businesses in Durham for FREE.  I give money to panhandlers. I knock on doors for the Democratic Party. I volunteer for Durham Public Schools. I help Mike Woodard's wife on some Saturday mornings, with kids who need positive figures.

So excuse me for being a bit offended when Carl sends these messages out, being holier than me, because I don't ride the damn bus.

Now, since we are a tolerant people. Absorb my words, be quiet and let that sink in.



Darius M. Little
Executive Business Consultant  and
Strategic Marketing Analyst

(web) www.linkedin.com/in/dariuslittle
Manta Business Profile/Report: 

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." [Matt 21:22]

-----Original Message-----
From: chloe palenchar <cpalenchar at hotmail.com>
Sender: inc-list-bounces at rtpnet.org
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 18:27:23 
To: <inc-list at durhaminc.org>; <inc-list at rtpnet.org>
Subject: Re: [Durham INC] Ending the cycle of poverty transportation

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