[Durham INC] S. Durham Residential Cell Tower meeting: Oct 11, 2012 (7 PM, South Regional Library)

Melissa Rooney mmr121570 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 1 17:41:00 EDT 2012

Sorry...I didn't realize there was an official definition for the term 'mega-church'. I always associated it with either 1) very large church with over 500 members or 2) Church looking to make big money via large financial stakes (in real-estate and other investments). I meant the latter in reference to this church. A lot of churches are now buying lots of land in addition to the property for their actual church and making big money (which I presume is tax free) by developing. When I read about this church, I feared it may be one of these.

I will be more careful in my use of buzzwords in the future,

I am not directly involved in the immediate neighbors' anti-tower movement (just don't have the time to do everything, you know?), but I empathize with them and wanted to inform others that this controversy was going on. Neighbors should have some say regarding anything that is going to affect their line of sight (and thus their property values) from their house; in this case, some are truly concerned about unknown health implications as well.

Melissa (Rooney)

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