[Durham INC] The News & Observer : Sparks fly in Durham at city, county meeting on utilities policy

Darius M. Little Darius.M.Little at alumni.unc.edu
Wed Nov 14 07:42:49 EST 2012

The News and Observer hits the mark on a major Durham story, yet again.

I wondered how long the local press would just sit on Page's shenanigans, without calling him out on it.  He is the most envious, destructive, unprofessional voice in elected capacity in Durham.  At least we now know he's not only rude/spiteful to citizens, but towards his elected peers as well.  This guy called me an Uncle Tom, in-writing, simply because I suggested to him that he try to talk things out more instead of just jumping down people's throats.

What most in Durham have coined as "Page Rage" has hit again....props to Jim Wise for actually holding an elected official accountable to some professional standard.

County Government has become a joke of an operation.  I don't even attend their meetings anymore.  Instead of being so jealous and backbiting towards the Mayor/Pro Tem and Council Members, Page should take a hint and model their professional efforts.

I've never met a Preacher that has been this destructive and vile.  I'm truly concerned for Michael; he takes everything personally and is going to self-implode.



Darius M. Little
Executive Business Consultant  and
Strategic Marketing Analyst

(web) www.linkedin.com/in/dariuslittle
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"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." [Matt 21:22]

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