[Durham INC] New from the Rev-elution: The Daily Tar Heal blames Durham for Chapel Hill crime

Darius M. Little Darius.M.Little at alumni.unc.edu
Mon Mar 11 17:00:50 EDT 2013

Thanks for sharing Carl.

There is certainly an aura of holiness, as it relates to most Chapel Hill residents and their view of Durham Citizens.

When I was an undergrad at UNC in the early 2000's I confess to adopting the same philosophies.  All I heard, from students, to faculty and community leaders, was to stay away from Durham.  I can specifically recall a time when three friends and I had a 'summer dinner rotation.' One friend, a transfer from Wake Forest University, named Mohit Achreja, was terrified when I told the group that I was taking us to Durham for dinner.

As I became older I learned that Durham was no worse than any other city.  I've grown to love the City!

What stuns me about Chapel Hill folk' is that they refer to Durham as 'hood yet, ironically, can go eat dinner at Mama Dips restaurant, while ignoring the fact that the 'dirty Chapel Hill hood' is right around the next corner.  As a student I was solicited for prostitution on several occasions in Chapel Hill, while on main city streets such as Franklin St.

Every city has classic/historic areas, modern areas, trendy areas and hoods.  Durham is no worse than Chapel Hill, by any means.  In-fact, civic participation in Durham is far superior and we have far more modern facilities and restaurants than does Chapel Hill.

And, ironically, more Carolina students, alums and supporters live and work in Durham than do in Chapel Hill.  So Chapel Hill should be very thankful for the City of Durham.  Without us, they'd be, well, just another little town in North Carolina.

- Darius

Darius M. Little
Executive Business Consultant  and
Strategic Marketing Analyst

(web) www.linkedin.com/in/dariuslittle
*A MANTA Verified and Approved Industry Leader in Strategic Business Consulting*

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." [Matt 21:22]

-----Original Message-----
From: Carl Kenney <revcwkii at hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2013 16:25:19 
Subject: New from the Rev-elution: The Daily Tar Heal blames Durham for
 Chapel Hill crime

People are ouraged by comments made in The Daily Tar Heal

Carl W. Kenney II
The Durham News, Columnist
Duke University, The Center for Documentary Studies, Instructor
The Rev-elution, Blogger
Author of:
Preacha' Man
27 Views of Durham (short story "Home is a Cup of Coffee")
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