[Durham INC] Pruning City Trees

Don Moffitt don.moffitt at gmail.com
Mon Dec 8 20:54:59 EST 2014

On the Watts Hospital Hillandale list there has been discussion about two
companies offering to trim "street trees" and trees "growing into the power

Two things to know:
--Duke Energy is the only company approved to prune the trees in the power
lines. They are specially trained to deal with the safety issues.
--The city jealously guards the health of its trees--that's any tree
planted within the right of way, usually about six feet from the back of
the curb. Trimming city trees without written permission results in a
citation and fine. The reason for this is that the city is responsible for
anything that happens with those trees--if one falls on a house or in the
street or injures someone. Improper pruning can severely damage a tree.

If someone stops by and claims they are working for either Duke Energy or
the City of Durham, and they're not carrying identification from either
Duke or the city, don't believe them. Don't hire them, and don't pay them.

If you have a problem with a street tree just call Durham One Call at
919-560-1200. The city arborists are great and will be happy to take a
look. If it's an issue with a power line, the city staff will contact Duke
Energy for you.

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