[Durham INC] FW: [pac2] my Christmas wishes

Debra Hawkins dhawkins913311 at gmail.com
Sun Dec 28 18:33:19 EST 2014

A worthy share from a great Duke Park neighbor, if you didn't see it on PAC2
list. I particularly like #8 :). 

Here's to a great 2015 for all of Durham. 


My Christmas Wish List 2015


1) I wish everyone would hold themselves as accountable as we expect others
to do.

That's just another way of wishing for the Golden Rule. We'd be appalled if
Police showed up to a protest and started throwing rocks and sticks, so I
wish protesters would find a better way to convey the message that black
lives matter. 


I'm sure they don't mean it's OK to kill Latinos, or whites or Asians.
Police come in all those flavors and they get killed quite often, but I
don't recall a single protest or any signs saying "Cops lives matter".
Rather curious isn't it?


2) I'd love to enjoy a full year without a single fatal accident involving a
pedestrian or bicyclist. I know it's not likely, but it's a better bet than
wishing for world peace!


3) I wish people would stop parking over the curb and on our sidewalks!
Actually, this one is probably the easiest one on the list, all we need to
do is put parking tickets on their windshields, like we used to do. For lots
of bonus points, take the primary parking enforcement responsibility off
Police's job description and let Lanier Parking hand out those tickets.


4) I wish we'd make it more difficult for the Grinches to steal Christmas
(and New Years, Easter, Mother's Day, National Potato Week, etc) You can
earn partial credit here if you insist on becoming a victim by leaving your
purse, GPS, Laptop, etc in your car. Score two points if you have the serial
number to the GPS or Laptop!


When the Grinches score a few GPSs in one neighborhood, they come back for
more easy pickin's. We always feel sorry for the victim, but they may have
made us a target as well. In contrast, passing a serial number of a stolen
item to Police MAY stop a Grinch trying to pawn that item! We get the bad
guy, and the victim gets their property back, PLUS they can brag they
probably prevented the next 25 victims of that particular Grinch!


5) I wish we wouldn't purchase food from illegal venders. We're not talking
the Only Burger truck here. When we do see someone selling tacos out of the
trunk of a car, it's OK to think they are just poor people trying to make a
buck. That's true. But I wish others could meet a family who's legal
restaurant was wiped out by this practice. They're now poor people, too, who
can collect food stamps because their livelihood no longer exists. Perhaps
they'll use the food stamps to buy food and sell it out of their car. So
let's all walk right by the folks "just getting by", and support the brick &
mortor restaurant which might be owned by another family who is "just
getting by".


6) I wish we would all look at water as the precious resource it is ~ BEFORE
it becomes more costly. Conserve and protect it by taking great care with
pollutants such as used motor oil.


7) I wish folks would not double guess when to call 911. As soon as you
think you MIGHT should call 911, you should already be dialing! We've
stopped some of the most prolific Break and Enter teams simply because
someone called to report a car they didn't recognize parked in a neighbor's


8) I wish more of us will discover the joy of volunteering. Join the board
of your neighborhood association or HOA, deliver food for Meals on Wheels,
help out with a clean up in your area, and countless others. It can be
pretty habit forming, but you can only find out why by giving it a try.


9) I wish everyone would join their neighborhood's listserv and get to know
their neighbors better. It carries all sorts of benefits, and will make the
last wish much easier.


10) I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Bill Anderson




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