[Durham INC] Please take this survey on the environment in Durham

Freid, Tobin L. tfreid at dconc.gov
Mon Apr 3 16:58:32 EDT 2017

The Durham City-County Sustainability Office is working with a group of Duke Nicholas School graduate students to conduct a survey of Durham residents' attitudes towards the environment.  Please take 5-7 minutes to complete this survey.  https://duke.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6ndp8MnbPIODQkR 

Also, feel free to forward it to other Durhamites through your contact lists or other listservs.  The survey will close April 11, so please don't wait to take it.

Thank you!

Tobin L. Freid
Sustainability Manager
Durham City & County
(919) 560-7999

 Please only print this e-mail when necessary. Thank you for helping Durham be environmentally responsible.

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