[Durham INC] You can check/fix some ballot rejection issues legally now/next several days - info/links

Debra Hawkins dhawkins913311 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 19:49:21 EST 2020

** Please Cross Post **


Sharing just for those interested, NC and a few other states allow voters
who cast a ballot that was rejected to address that concern for some
rejection conditions, and that window is still open. Voters can contact
their BoE to check their ballot tabulation status, and complete a process to
seek appropriate remedies to problems encountered. Here is a news article
about the topic and for Durham BoE - curiously, the Board's website is
'experiencing difficulties' according to 'Granicus' their presumed
webhosting company. Their phone number is (919) 560-0700 and they're open
M-F 9-5pm. 


Volunteers are signing up to help reach out to all NC voters who balloted
but have rejection concerns, to make them aware of their rights to address
their ballot status. Check online to find a group coordinating this




www.dcovotes.com <http://www.dcovotes.com>  



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